24,000 global consumers spoke.
One planet needs to listen.

The Rise of Sustainable Media

Read more below
Sustainability has shifted from the margins, and niche projects, to a CEO and boardroom conversation about corporate purpose, growth and future strategy. As mainstream businesses, global corporations and governments focus their attention on the climate emergency, the speed of change is increasing with more collaborative action, innovation and education. Failing to act will cost both the planet and humanity. It will also cost businesses directly through tarnished brand and reputation, lost customers, and the potential for new regulation, carbon taxes or fines.
According to this new research across the globe, 86% of people in the study responded they are concerned by climate change. In comparison, consumers had similar levels of concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic (85%), the health of their friends and family (79%), or the cost of living in their area (76%).
The onus to be ‘responsible’, which now requires focus across a wide spectrum of business and societal factors including social and environmental impact, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), privacy and protection, has never been so great.
A time for action
Given the speed and severity at which this climate emergency is impacting the planet, and its potential to transform industries, and create new markets, there is no time to be complacent. It is important for businesses to address all areas of carbon emissions in their control or within their supply chain.
The report explores the following:
Introducing and Understanding Sustainable Media
Deep Dive Implications from the Global Research
Evaluation of Sustainability as a Business Opportunity or Threat?
Four strategies for business to address climate change
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of people in the research said that in five years’ time, they only want to be spending money with brands who are practicing green and sustainable advertising.
of people questioned wanted brands to demonstrate they are making positive choices about the planet and environment more explicitly; in everything they do.

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The Rise of Sustainable Media Report is coming soon.
A time for action
This reserarch demonstrates it is not enough to simply examine these challenges - but to get out in front of them. Given the speed and severity at which this climate emergency is impacting the planet, and how it can potentially upend entire industries, there is no time to be complacent.
A deep dive into the research
Sustainability: Business Opportunity or Threat?
Four immediate strategies for brands
of people in the research said that in five years’ time, they only want to be spending money with brands who are practicing green and sustainable advertising.
Sustainability has shifted from the margins, and niche projects, to a CEO and boardroom conversation about corporate purpose, growth and future strategy. As mainstream businesses, global corporations and governments focus their attention on the climate emergency, the speed of change is increasing with more collaborative action, innovation and education. Failing to act will cost both the planet and humanity. It will also cost businesses directly through tarnished brand and reputation, lost customers, and the potential for new regulation, carbon taxes or fines.
According to this new research across the globe, 86% of people in the study responded they are concerned by climate change. In comparison, consumers had similar levels of concerns around the COVID-19 pandemic (85%), the health of their friends and family (79%), or the cost of living in their area (76%).
of people questioned wanted brands to demonstrate they are making positive choices about the planet and environment more explicitly; in everything they do.
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The onus to be ‘responsible’, which now requires focus across a wide spectrum of business and societal factors including social and environmental impact, diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), privacy and protection, has never been so great.
24,000 global
consumers spoke.
One planet needs to listen.
The Rise of Sustainable Media